
Rules, Guidelines & Procedures

Password Protocol & Control

Passwords are the most common way for your organisation and the people in it to prove identity when banking, making purchases and other transactional online activities, accessing services, using email and accessing computers...


Any organisation making an effort to improve its data security will be more attractive to customers and suppliers, who know that their data will be looked after better with that organisation. As people begin to understand the...

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

The General Data Protection Regulation – more commonly referred to as GDPR – applies to all organisations worldwide that process personal data of European Union (EU) citizens, effectively making it the first global data...

Business Security Planning

IT, as well as online security, is vital for organisations of any size. The alternatives include business interruption, poor legal compliance, impact on revenue, compromised reputation or, at worst, business failure. Therefore,...

User Accounts

In any organisation where more than one person has access to a computer or network, it is necessary to set up user accounts in order to give individuals access to their own files, programs, email accounts, choice of internet...

Unnecessary Services

Your organisation may sometimes retain or have responsibility for old computing services that have become redundant. These could include:...

Staff Training

Educating your workforce is the main line of defence against online threats and breaches in information security. The best internet security software is of little use if employees do not know how to spot a phishing email, and...

Staff Behaviour

Online and information security and safety can be likened to any other kind of security and safety in the workplace. ...

What is your internet policy for staff?

Virtually every organisation enables staff to access the internet in order to carry out their day-to-day work. As with going online at home, the convenience and efficiency is balanced by a degree of risk, which must be minimised....

Legal Compliance

Maintaining robust cyber and information security and safety in your organisation – whatever its size or nature of its business – is vital for many reasons. Remaining legally compliant is a very important one. Apart from...

Employee Qualifications

The qualifications necessary for you, your employees and your security support organisations will vary according to the size, structure, management and IT provisioning of your organisation....

Cyber Liability Insurance

Insurance has long been used by businesses as part of their risk management and disaster recovery plans and there are plenty of statistics that demonstrate that inadequately insured businesses are unlikely to survive major...

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

Knowing how you are going to maintain ‘business as usual’ in the event of data or technology problems is vital. Disruption of your operations, reduced or absence of customer service, reduced profitability and compromised...


Cyber and information security should be regarded as a critical issue in every organisation, so you should have in place a framework for its governance. Setting up, directing and monitoring this framework should be the...

Data Protection

If you store personal information on clients, employees or other individuals, you must comply with data protection regulations. We suggest that you review your policies, practices and procedures associated with this kind of data,...