
Archives: Business Articles

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

Knowing how you are going to maintain ‘business as usual’ in the event of data or technology problems is vital. Disruption of your operations, reduced or absence of customer service, reduced profitability and compromised reputation are all potential consequences of not having the appropriate strategy in place. Having an effective business continuity plan can also […]


A botnet is a network of computers that have been intentionally infected with malware by cybercriminals in order to perform automated tasks on the internet without the permission (or often the knowledge) of the devices’ owners. The term is an abbreviation of ‘robot network’. When a bot penetrates a computer, its controller can assume command […]


Online banking is very convenient for businesses but you must protect your password and other login details to prevent criminals from accessing your accounts. Because of the sums of money and frequent transactions involved, online banking has become a favourite target for fraudsters.

IT Support

This website is designed to help small and medium sized organisations to establish and maintain the appropriate levels of safety to safeguard IT systems, devices, business and employees against issues relating to online and information security. In parallel, however, you also require support for your actual technology … computers and servers, mobile devices, infrastructure, software and […]


Cyber and information security should be regarded as a critical issue in every organisation, so you should have in place a framework for its governance. Setting up, directing and monitoring this framework should be the responsibility of the board or business owner – depending on the size and nature of the organisation – supported by […]

Data Protection

If you store personal information on clients, employees or other individuals, you must comply with data protection regulations. We suggest that you review your policies, practices and procedures associated with this kind of data, and regularly review the necessity to hold / appropriateness of holding such data, and how it is protected. You may also […]

Data Loss Prevention

Preventing your data from loss or falling into the wrong hands should be a key part of your IT strategy … and day-to-day housekeeping. The consequences of such events can include breaches of confidentiality, non-compliance penalties, espionage, financial losses (to your business, employees and customers) and compromised reputation.

Data Encryption

If your confidential data and communications (for example emails) are accessed by individuals or other organisations not authorised to see them, the consequences can be very damaging … fraud, identity theft, espionage and non-compliance with data protection rules being frequent examples. If your business has confidential data and/or sends and receives confidential email, you should […]


Your computers, tablets and smartphones are used to store and communicate data which – if in the wrong hands – could be used to compromise the safety and security of your organisation and its employees. This data could be stored on the device itself, or accessible in the form of internet bookmarks, remote network access, […]


The information held on your computer systems and devices is probably irreplaceable. If it is lost or corrupted as a result of theft, being criminally compromised, physical damage or technical failure, your organisation faces potential multiple risks. These include business interruption (in the case of customer and supplier records, accounts files, emails and software programs), […]